The HAMAM, or Turkish bath, is like a steam bath distinguished by its hot marble slab in the middle surrounded by marble alcoves with sinks.   Lying on the marble slab is one of the best things you can do to ease aches and pains in the body, plus it helps to soften the skin in preparation for ex-foliation.

A KESE is used to scrub the entire body from head to toe.  The dead skin that is removed is usually visible; although not pleasant looking, the results are amazing.  The skin is detoxified, radiant, glowing and elastic.

During Ottoman times, the hamam was a daily ritual due to the fact homes did not have shower facilities.  Today, all homes in Turkey have baths & showers, so going to the hamam is no longer a daily event.  Turks tend to visit the hamam when they are under the weather, have muscle aches and pains or if they feel the need for a good scrub.

Pestemal have always been used in the hamam and are still used to this day.  They are flat, light weight and will stay on the body even when wet.

After the hamam experience is over, the thicker, plush towel is offered to dry off with.

After your hamam tour is finished, a rest and some water is recommended.